
Science Fiction Modern Fantasy Role-Playing Series


Shadowrunners. Thriving in the margins, doing the jobs no one else can. While the Corporations run the world, Shadowrunner live on the edge, and for this team of ‘runners getting back together after a long hiatus, that edge has never been sharper.

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Ep1: Getting the Band Back Together Endwatch: A Shadowrun Actual Play

A group of shadowrunners on the hell-ridden streets of Seattle are summoned to complete a “simple” job. Find a woman’s missing compatriot, and gain a big reward. Easy, right? How will they respond when the mission goes haywire, and are they able to help the compatriot before it’s too late? CAST: Princess Charlotte – Jazzy Hatter – Poisal Wawahi – Stabbykinz Vanta Black – Grizz Stonewalker – Vironz Game Master – Overthinker Opening Theme: Exceptional by TURPAK Listener Discretion Advised. This show is intended for a mature audience. Our Website: https://www.hallowedhavenstudios.com Our Discord: https://discord.gg/hallowedhavenstudios Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hallowedhavenstudios Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/HavenHallowed Our Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hallowedhavenstudios

Hallowed Haven Studios